In an attempt to brush up on my ES6 skills I'm creating a cheatsheet to reflect back on as I'm writing my code to remember to take advantage of some of these features where it makes sense.
Fat Arrow Functions
Awesome for one-liners when working with UnderscorejS or when you need scope to be preserved.
var add = (a, b) => a + b;
Object Spread Operator
Also notice the shorthand for setting named properties.
const a = 'a';
const oldA = { a: a }; // long, redundant way
const oA = { a }; // short an sweet!
const b = 'b';
const oB = { b };
const c = {...oA, ...oB}; // { a: 'a', b: 'b' }
Both objects and arrays support destructuring, meaning that you can extract values from them and assign them to named variables:
const [firstName, lastName] = ['Corey', 'Snyder'];
firstName; // 'Corey'
lastName; // 'Snyder'
var book = {author: "Corey", year: "2012", length: 500}
// The following is equivalent to:
// const author =;
const { author, year } = book;
author; // 'Corey'
year; // '2012'
// You can use a different name like this:
// const {property: as} = book
const {year: publicationYear} = book;
Parameter Defaults
var concatenator = (numOne = 'UndefinedWordOne', numTwo = 'UndefinedWordTwo') => numOne + ' ' + numTwo;
concatenator("Corey") // "Corey UndefinedWordTwo"
Combining some of these ideas to create a function which creates an object with defaults:
const createUser = ({
name = 'Anonymous',
avatarThumbnail = '/avatars/anonymous.png'
}) => ({
const george = createUser({
name: 'George'
name: 'George',
avatarThumbnail: '/avatars/anonymous.png'
What to look at next?